martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Logical framework approach a project (EML)Is an analytical tool used to improve planning and management of projects for both development cooperation and social projects.

Identity of the SchoolIt is the vision statement, mission and the ideals that characterize the educational community. Is to determine a personality to the institution through educational activities involving the joint participation of the central actors and agents of the educational community.

Institutional Educational Project (PEI)It is a process that is built between the different actors and is used as a management tool that helps to guide, lead, and define the institutional life. Local authorities contribute to the formulation and evaluation of the IEP and the implementation of the activities of the Annual Plan of Work of School Plan agreed with the Coordinated Development of Local Government.

Institutional visionIt's the way it is displayed in this center with a projection to the sleep to be put into action and has two essential characteristics: it is realistic and is a shared dream

Mission InstitutionIt is the raison d'etre of the school and is expressed in terms of central objective or the primary task of the same and this indicates a more specific way in which we can realize our vision.

Annual School Plan (EAP)A plan that is comprised of more concrete plans PEI derivatives to satisfy short-term (one school year) and makes the institution through annual projects.
Institutional Diagnosis:It is an inventory of the aspects of the institutional reality that is required to probe.
Curriculum Project Centre (PCC):It is the organizing component of the educational proposal, which articulates and gives meaning to the whole task of the school.

Design project evaluationIt is a process which determines the establishment of changes generated by a project from the comparison between the current and expected state in their planning.

Evaluation of educational projects:The process to determine systematically and objectively the relevance, effectiveness and impact of all activities in the light of its objectives. This is an organizational process for improving activities still in progress and assist management in planning and making future decisions.

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