miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

maria montessori theory

The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method was developed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952), who was Italy’s first female physician. Her lifelong study of the development of children led her to create a revolutionary philosophy of education to suit the natural needs of young children as an aid to real life.
The Montessori philosophy can be summed up as education through the senses and spontaneous individual education by means of freedom for the child in a prepared environment. The Montessori Method recognizes each child as a unique individual with their own potentials and capabilities, and allows children to work at their own pace in an enriched environment devoted to nurturing a love for learning. A carefully prepared environment, the manipulative materials, the directress and the freedom to choose activities inspires children to reach their highest potential while developing independence, self-confidence, concentration and self-discipline. 



“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” – Maria Montessori
It is always a goal of Montessori education in the classrooms to make the child independent and be able to do things for himself. This is achieved by giving children opportunities. Opportunities to move, to dress themselves, to choose what they want to do, and to help the adult with tasks.
When the children are able to do things for themselves there is an increase in their self belief and even self confidence and esteem that they may carry on throughout their life.


Observation, or watching the child is for parents easy to do. We can spend countless hours just watching children and see how they are enjoying themselves, exploring their environment. This was the simple method of how Maria Montessori has learned about children and developed her theories on child development. She observed wihtout preconceived ideas that helped her develop materials that the children needed and were interested in. It is also the way adults can learn about what the child needs. If the child starts banging on objects, they have the need for that gross motor activity, then give them a drum. If they are pushing things around the room, they need to walk but can’t do it themselves yet, help them or give them the opportunity to push and give them for example a wagon to push. This is how observation can help create harmony, fulfilling the child’s current needs.

Following the Child

Follow the child, they will show you what they need to do, what they need to develop in themselves and what area they need to be challenged.
“The aim of the children who persevere in their work with an object is certainly not to “learn”; they are drawn to it by the needs of their inner life, which must be recognized and developed by its means.” – Maria Montessori
From what you have observed from the actions of the children, follow them in what they need to do. If they want to climb give them opportunities to climb in a safe manner but allow them, do not be overprotective.
Following the child also means being non-directive, do not tell them what to do all the time. Give your child the freedom to choose what he wants or needs to do and act on his own. Do not tell them that they have do, present to them choices of different materials/toys. Also stand back and watch the child what they do, there is no need to intervene all the time unless they have become really destructive and about to hurt themselves. Knowing when to intervene is a skill a parent will know when they get to know their child and a parent has set limits for their children.

Correcting the child

Children make mistakes, they may spill something, or drop food unintentionally, etc., there is no need to raise your voice. Instead calmly recognize the mistake “oh you dropped the…, why don’t we get a cloth and wipe it up.” It is an opportunity to ask the child to do some valid practical work with you. You will find children do like to clean up as they see it as something adults do. There is no need to blatantly point out a child’s mistake, there is a way to make them realize it. For example a cloth bib for a child who is learning how drink form a glass will find out that if they tip the glass a bit too early the water will spill on to them and they will feel it. If they mispronounce a word, no need to correct them but repeat the word correctly this time. Correcting children may get them to be scared of attempting anything in fear of making a mistake. Children will make mistakes and we need to teach them in a nice manner. Giving the child the freedom and the choice, supporting them in their choice by making sure they are safe, feeding their inquiring minds in a way that they can understand/concretely and observing their needs and fulfilling these can be the key to helping your children develop themselves to their full potential.

Prepared environment

“The teacher’s first duty is to watch over the environment, and this takes precedence over all the rest. It’s influence is indirect, but unless it be well done there will be no effective and permanent results of any kind, physical, intellectual or spiritual.” –Maria Montessori
The prepared environment is important to Montessori. It is the link for the child to learn from the adult. Rooms are child sized and activities are set up for success. It also allows freedom of movement and of choice. The environment has to be safe for the child to explore freely.
The environment has to be ready and beautiful for the child that it invites them to work. Montessori refers to work as the activity the child does or what people might call play. She calls this work since it is through this that they create themselves and it is simply not play. Their play is their work and they are still enjoying it.
The adult’s role then is to construct their environment in which they will learn. The development of the child is dependent therefore on the environment he is in, and the environment includes the parents.

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