lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Educational Reform in El Salvador

Educational Reform in El Salvador has features that make it different to other reforms in Latin America. First, not done by municipalities, such as the Chilean case, but goes beyond, transferring powers directly to the school units.Second, the origin of the reform is characterized by the EDUCO experiment initiated by the community to the existence of an institutional vacuum, then by MINED it adopted as a strategy to address the lack of coverage rural areas. Based on the educational experience, the CDE seek to include parents in school activities, but unlike EDUCO, from the central level to local level.

The current educational reform in El Salvador went from a situation of crisis in education, so their success is characterized by the increase in coverage through educational programs and, in general, through the guidance of resources to levels kindergarten and basic. Addition, we have implemented administrative allocation of resources at school to have, ultimately, the inputs required for the performance of educational work. Also, substantial changes have been made in the organization and management, modifying the existing institutional structures.

However, the challenges of the country in terms of quality education are still significant, but current efforts are in the right direction, you need to have more monetary resources and provide continuity in the institutional changes that allow more efficient use of the same .This research has identified some characteristics and conditions that have encouraged the process of educational reform in El Salvador, were also others who are perceived as obstacles to the further development of it.

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