viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

The teaching materials as an educational resource

Teacher's activity, in education, is considered as an activity to mediate between the culture in its broadest sense, represented in the curriculum, and student. Therefore, the teacher, through the activity of teaching is to facilitate student learning, for which it has different elements, means or resources, which helps to make possible the work of cultural mediation. Such aid of educational materials is any natural or man-made object that produces a significant learning in students. Given that any material can be used in certain circumstances, as a resource to facilitate teaching and learning processes (for example, some stones can work the notions of major and minor with preschoolers), but we must consider not All materials used in education have been created with a didactic intent, we distinguish the concepts of teaching tool and educational resource.

The teaching materials are used to support the development of children in areas related to thinking, oral and written language, imagination, socialization, the better understanding of himself and others, the materials have been gaining a growing importance in contemporary education. The forced memorization and physical threats were no longer viable methods for a long time, leading to stimulation of the senses and imagination.

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