martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

What is an Institutional Educational Project in El Salvador?

The P.E.I. is a process that is built between the various actors and between them and the school context, with a view to the achievement and educational outcomes, which initially require a collective identity is always articulated the country's educational policy.

Actors are people who play certain roles. The P.E.I. is primarily a social project, and that is why the space where the action is marked by the relationships, interests and participation of groups or stakeholders involved. The approach we describe is called strategic-participatory. The actors involved from within the scene, and in situations of shared power.

In general, we can consider that the strategic approach to social planning and management is proposed as an alternative to planning and management methodologies grounded in functional-structural approaches and positivists who see reality from a systemic logic, involving the possibility of an external positioning to reality by actors, which are based on an analysis of 'objective' social reality and raise the 'homogeneity' of actors, models and processes as prerequisites for methodological development and management planning.

It is participatory as all stakeholders think, decide, implement and evaluate the project. From this point of view are considered the administrative dimension, pedagogy, and community in a coordinated manner, management is integral.

The director has to create spaces for discussion and participation. Is the project for all.Included among the players with:• Teachers

• Pupils and students

• Executives

• Non-teaching staff

• Parents etc.

Quality education, rather than learning or repetition of certain types of content refers to daily interactions that occur at school, the institutional climate in which these processes occur, the conditions and situations that
made possible the construction, interpretation and transformation of knowledge, ie ultimately to the processes that take place in the institution "

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