martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Organization level Early Childhood Education in El Salvador.

At the level of nursery education is organized in three sections, supported by the evolutionary process of thechildren in this phase.

Each section promotes the integral development, but emphasized certain aspects.

Section 1.

Emphasis on encouraging socio-emotional area, coordinated with the development of language.

Includes the encouragement of gross and fine motor skills in interaction with the acquisition of basic intellectual concepts such as discrimination, directionality and spatial location.


Section 2.
Maintains focus on the socio-affective, as well as language development. This, is treated in greater depth at this section, according to the increase of experience and vocabulary of children.
Promote creativity as an expression of personal identity with his family and community dimension.
It encourages the natural curiosity in the child and his need to experiment with the objective world, through experimental trial and error.
Includes the encouragement of gross motor skills and progressively emphasizes fine motor skills.
promotes the internalization of positive practices such as the order, respect and perseverance as well as the recognition of symbols.

Section 3.
Balance the treatment of three basic areas of child development: cognitive, socio-emotional and psycho-motor.
Wide situations more favorable to the definition of personal and social self. Promotes cooperative work.
Emphasis on the readiness for literacy and mathematics.
promotes the internalization of positive rules and exercise self-discipline.
Strengthens the ability of increasing concentration, decision making and problem-solving.
• Provides ample space for creative expression and imagination.

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